Q: How much do You pay?
A: In the beginning, we pay You 50% of signups and rebillings. If the surfer purchases month membership for 29.95$ on one of our sites - You get 14.98$. If the surfer stays for another month You get 14.98$ more and so on, as long as surfer use our service. Webmasters making over 30 subscriptions a month gain 55% of all subscriptions and rebills. If you send over 50 signups within two pay periods (one month) you will receive 60% in the following pay period and to those who make over 70 subscriptions a month we pay 65%.
There is not problem to discuss special percentage, if you are a very large webmaster with lots of traffic just email us.
Q: Do you have a webmaster referral program? If so, what is the commission?
A: Yes - using our webmaster referral program, if you get other webmasters to sign up and promote veryBIGcash, you will receive 5% of the sales generated by your referred webmasters. This is a great way to make extra money for very little work on your part.
We have webmasters, who earn good money simply by recommending HQCash.com to other webmasters. For this take your referral link code in our system and recommend this to other webmasters. If webmaster, who came from your referral link register in our program and start earn money, we will pay you 5% from every sale he make.
Q: How often will I get my payments?
A: If the amount due to you is over the minimum payout, a payment will be issued. We pay two weeks after the end of each period. A period is the 1st of the month till and including the 15th or the 16th of the month till and including the end of the month (30th/31st), i.e. two calendar weeks. Payouts are done every two weeks on the 1st and the 16th of the month. If these days are not bank business days, then the actual money transfer/issuing will occur on the next bank business day. For example, revenue earned during the September 1st-15th period would be paid out on October 1st (or next bank business day).
Commissions for a period that do not meet our minimum of $100.00 or your set minimum payout (must be over $100) will roll-over and be credited toward the next period until such minimum is met.
Q: What payment options are currently available?
A: At this time, we are offering payment by Wire Transfer, Paxum, Webmoney or by a Check. HQcash will deduct a fee from your payout of $30.00 for wire transfer, and no fee for Paxum, Webmoney and Check (free from 300 usd, otherwise $5 are charged) payments. Wire Transfer is free of charge if owed more than $700.00
These figures only relate to our fees. Your bank might charge you for receiving international wires. Your bank might charge you for withdrawing funds from an ATM. Please inquire with your bank about their fee structure.
If you selected CCBill Payments Program where CCBill handle all your payments - you will receive your money directly from CCBill according to it conditions.
Q: Can I use any method to get traffic to your sites?
A: Any way you like. TGPs, MGPs, picposts, search engine listings, free sites, avs sites, exit console links, opt-in mailings, link lists, and text/banner ads on other paysites are all acceptable ways to generate traffic to our sites. The more banners and advertising you put up the more money you make. And personal recommendations work well, too.
However, we do NOT allow links from password trading/hacking/warez sites, or any site that promotes or depicts bestiality, rape, torture, underage models or content, or any other illegal or unethical content. Please contact us before registering any variations of our domains. Spamming (email or newsgroups) is not allowed in any form. If you are caught using these techniques to promote our sites, you will be dropped from our partner program without warning, and any monies earned will be forfeited.
Q: Do You have a free hosting for webmasters?
A: NO. HQcash is offering big discount at our hosting company for webmaster who works through our system. There you can have wide spectrum of professional services: from hosting one page site on the virtual hosting, to the lease of servers in a datacenter. Our managers will help you in the selection of a package plan and will propose the individual version of the solution to any of your problems.
Q: Do you have CCBill-Paid Program?
A: Yes. Our system allows special programs which let you use our script for everything except for payout stats and the actual payout. Both of those things will be handled by CCBill directly instead. The first time you go to get a link code or ad using the CCBill paid program you will be presented with a form so you can fill in your current CCBill ID or you can create an account within minute's online for the CCBill program. Our script will send your CCBill code along to CCBill when the join form is submitted so that you will be credited for that sale. After that form is saved you will be able to get link codes and ads as normal.
All checks will come directly from CCBill. If you choose to merge all of your CCBill accounts, payments for all CCBill sites you promote will be paid out in one weekly check.
CCBill will be the only biller allowed in the cascade for any traffic using the CCBill program. Any others will be automatically skipped.
Q: What promo tools do you offer?
A: We offer many different ways of advertising our sites: banners of different sizes, FHGs, FHMs, zipped photo and video content and promo texts.
The easiest way to generate signups is through our Free Hosted Picture and Video Galleries. We host the pictures and videos on our server combined with a highly converting gallery design so you just send us the traffic and we take care of getting the signups for you.
If you need anything else, feel free to let us know and we will do our best to help.
Q: Can I make my own banners/text links/ads or modify the promotional material and the free content?
A: You can make your own promotional materials as long as they are not misleading and reflect the actual content that is on our sites. If you are in doubt, contact us to get the promo materials approved.
The promotional material is only there for you to be able to use. You are more then welcome to make your own banners and buttons as long as you do not offer the surfer something that is not available in the website. The free content is licensed to use to promote only the approved websites and any further use then what it is deemed for is against the licensing agreement.
Q: Can I buy access to your site and take content myself from the member's area?
A: No. We have a models in the member's area who was only agree for shooting if content with them will be only in member's area and not in the free content all over the internet. Some boys are participating one time in the shooting and they aren't porn models.
Q: Do we give special treatment to certain webmasters?
A: Yes we do, we go out of our way for those that show they are interested in heavy promotions or dedicated efforts. You can apply for a new status as soon as you have reached the qualifying number of sign-ups.
Q: What billings do you use?
A: Our system allows us to have an unlimited amount of billings connected to our partnership program at the same time (s.c. multi-billing system). So, if one billing for some reasons is not able to take or accept transactions or maybe even not responding at all, we can easily change it to another billing.
Now we use a cascading system that automatically sends a potential member to CCBill, Epoch, then to SegPay then to a number of smaller providers that you will also receive credit for. Thus we give you maximum guarantee, that no one surfer, ready to join our site will not leave it without joining it.
Q: How are your cookie settings?
A: HQcash sets their cookies to 30 days. So you will get credited if a surfer signs up after he visits our site and decides to sign-up a few weeks later. Normally sponsors set their cookies shorter, but we believe that the sign-up belongs to you so we pay you for it.
Q: Will you be taking any tax deductions from my check?
A: You are an independent contractor and you are responsible for your own taxes. veryBIGcash can send you a earning report for the full year at the end of the year if you request it.
Q: Do you send any notifications to tax services?
A: No, as per our terms, tax reporting is a sole responsibility of each affiliate.
Q: Are there processing fee deductions from my payments?
A: No. There are no processing fee deductions. You will be paid after the gross revenue you make.
Contacting HQcash.com
If you have a question please be sure to carefully read the FAQ above. If your question has not been answered you can email us at support@hqcash.com